I put Tulip's hair into a ponytail with a ponytail elastic. Her hair was too thick for me to wrap the elastic around a third time but it wasn't as secure as I would like it at only two wraps. This is where we are at with her hair. It's a parenting issue. Silly, right? To fret about, to complain about something like that? No. It's my mama thing today.
I read some mama advice on a blog about what to do with all that art work, all those drawings, all those crafts. Again and again modern tech-savvy moms suggested taking digital images of every drawing your little sweeties make for you. Then you can throw out the paper, but create a digital album of all their drawings. Some mamas even write the date on the drawing with marker before they take a picture of it. Write on your child's artwork?!?! I simply can't do it. Something about that being a art teacher sin registered with me when I was in college and if resonates even more with me now that I am a mother.
Of course, some mamas suggested just purging. Yes! That sounds like something that I would like.
I can't do it.
Tonight the PEZ fairy visits the kids so when I placed them on the girls' dresser, I noticed one of Tulip's creations that has been shuffling around in her room for months. This piece of art is a sheet of computer paper with googly eyes and pom-poms glued onto it.
I picked it up. I intended to just crumple it up and throw it away once and for all instead of just continuing to shuffle it here and there for another 5 months.
I couldn't do it. It's so Tulip. She went through this phase where she glued googly eyes to paper all the time. Usually foam paper. Googly eyes and little black buttons glued to foam paper. I could pick off the eyes and buttons and she would reuse them.
I thought about taking a digital picture of her artwork but then I thought the digital image will just not capture the texture. You can't caress a pom-pom on a computer screen. You can't jiggle the paper to see the googly eyes wiggle.
I put it in a box.
Her other craft is hanging on a wire in her room. I knocked something off the dresser and when I picked it up off the floor, I saw some dried up leaves.
I left them there. Just for a few more days.
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