Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Vocabulary lessons for 4-year olds

Tulip was hosting a "feast" which was like a tea party only with more of an emphasis on food, not tea.  She invited many of her stuffed animals, and her family.  She told me I had to wear a fancy hat.  So I did.  Then Papa arrived for the feast and she told him, "Papa, you have to wear a fancy accessory."


That is what she said.

At dinner, we were treated to cupcakes delivered by one of our awesome neighbors.  Yup, just like that the doorbell rings and cupcakes from Designer Desserts are on our kitchen counter.  We live in an awesome neighborhood.  Anyway, I tried to introduce the term "decadent" to the children.  We'll see if that word appears again. 

I asked everyone, "How do you say 'delicious' in Italian?"

Tulip said, "Dahm-bee?"  I was looking for 'delizioso'.

Then I asked, "How do you say 'delicious' in German?" and without skipping a beat Tulip says, "Lecker."

She and I split a red velvet cupcake.  I comment on how tasty the frosting is.  I say, "There were little crunchy balls in the frosting, right Tulip?"

She says, "Those are sprinkles."

Gabe says, "Yeah Mama, little crunchy balls are sprinkles."  Well then, I stand corrected.

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